Area Rug Cleaning

Area Rug Cleaning

If you have area rugs in your home or office, you know the pride and satisfaction this addition brings to your home’s décor. They add warmth to the look and feel of a room, while absorbing sound and protecting the floor beneath.

Whether purchased locally or an exotic find during travels abroad, area rugs are made from a variety of fibers and dye processes, requiring special attention and expertise when it is time to clean them.

Allclean brings over 37 years of experience in area rug cleaning.

Keep your area rugs looking their best with regular cleaning by our expert area rug cleaners!

At Allclean we understand how carefully you’ve chosen your rugs to add style and colour to your home. We’re proud to work with you to protect your beautiful possessions so they remain a real asset as the years go by.It’s such a shame when beautiful rugs become soiled, stained and attract pollutants such as germs, pollen and smoke – but our technicians are on call to ensure that they’re restored to their former glory. 

Cleaning rugs is a specialist task and we use the latest technology to deliver remarkable results.

Specialist Rug Cleaning 

Allclean provides a specialist cleaning services for antique, oriental, Persian, Chinese, Indian rugs, all of which have their own particular characteristics of fabric and weave. A luxurious rug is a stylish investment for your home and needs careful handling to prolong its life and allow you to enjoy it to the full. 

A freshly-cleaned rug has brighter, clearer colours and is odour and stain free once again. Whether the problem is long-standing marks, smells caused by pets, water or liquid spill damage or just the damage caused by many feet and the passage of time, we will restore to you the beautiful rug you once proudly chose. 

Dust Mite Removal 

Like carpets, rugs can also attract dust mites, and these need to be dealt with carefully, depending on the type of rug you have. The presence of mites can make problems such as hayfever, asthma and allergy worse, making life very uncomfortable for your family.
Allclean understands your concern for your family’s well-being. Our specialist dust mite removal service is not only highly efficient but keeps the environment in your home safe and hygienic for everyone. 

Contact Allclean today to talk about the benefits of our professional rug cleaning service and to book a consultation with our cleaning technician   

What can happen when you use cheap or DIY cleaners

Dye Bleed

Allclean will always conduct a  dye bleed test  prior to cleaning your Rugs. When a fibre such as wool or sometimes Nylon is dyed, it is usually done so by adding the fabric into a "bath" or "vat" containing the dye and an acid (among other things) to act as a locking agent.

Using cleaning solutions on these types of fabric can cause the dye to bleed as it is "unlocked" by the cleaning solution and water.

In other man-made fibres such as polyester, acrylic and polypropylene the colour is added at the point the fibre is made as pigment added to the molten mix. It is therefore locked in and not susceptible to dye bleed.

Take polyproprolene as an example. A fibre made often from recycled plastic bottles and the cheapest fibre for carpet manufacturers to use. As it is essentially an oil based plastic and the dye is added to the plastic while molten it will not bleed. You can see the dye bleed from the red colour in this rug picture merging into the cream. 


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